Changelog ========= 2.1.1 -------- * Faster Binary (de)serialization in raw transport mode. * Fix main constructor strict type checking for referring projects. * Expose `ddbcereal.FLOAT_ONLY` 2.1.0 ----- * Empty Python set is now serialized to a configurable Set type. * Faster serialization for Number Sets and Binary Sets. * Behind the scenes, DynamoDBType enumerations are now ``str``\ s of their type symbol. 2.0.1 ----- * Fix exceptions from typing on pre-3.9 Python 2.0.0 ----- * Remove ``nullify_empty_string`` and ``validate_strings`` options. DynamoDB supports empty strings now and users could do this at a different layer. * Fix :py:meth:`ddbcereal.Serialize.serialize_item`. * Fixed typing issues. * Publish exceptions. 1.0.0 ----- First release, feature parity with boto3 [de]serializers.